Faithful to its values of sharing and togetherness, the Coca-Cola system in Morocco once again celebrated the spirit of generosity and sharing during the holy month of Ramadan as part of the 17th consecutive year of its Dar L’ftour citizen initiative. To successfully carry out this rural-oriented operation, the Coca-Cola system relied on the capacity of its fleets to reach areas far from urban centers, in areas where communities are most in need.
Thanks to this solidary action which confirms the local integration of the Coca-Cola system, composed of The Coca-Cola Export Corporation, and its partners North Africa Bottling Company, Atlas Bottling Company and Société des Boissons Gazeuses du Souss, the Coca-Cola system distributed 36,000 food baskets with the help of its associative partners. As an integral part of its sustainable development strategy, Dar L’ftour has demonstrated the Coca-Cola system’s long-term commitment to the various communities in Morocco.
Amel Benchikh El Houcine, Director of Public Affairs and Communications for Coca-Cola North Africa, said: “Dar L’ftour is an initiative of the Coca-Cola System in Morocco that we carry out in partnership with our bottlers every year. With their support and the help of several associations, we have once again focused on rural areas by putting our efforts at the service of the most deprived populations. Solidarity, especially in these difficult times, remains a core value for Coca-Cola.”
This year, Dar Lftour has seen some changes. Food basket collection gatherings have been replaced by door-to-door distributions. They were carried out in April and May, underlining the important human mobilization of this edition.
The Coca-Cola system in Morocco would like to thank all the associations that joined this new edition of Dar L’ftour. This initiative comes in addition to the support given by the Coca-Cola System to the national solidarity drive to help the most affected people.
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