The Democratic and Socialist Vanguard Party (PADS) proposes, no more and no less, to cancel the celebration of the next Eid Al-Adha altogether.
This proposal arises from the current circumstances of the pandemic caused by Covid-19. The PADS, in an open letter to the Executive, reminds: “Moroccans, in their great majority, do not have the means to buy the sheep of Eid. Even for those who have the financial means, they should devote the money to the Special Fund for the fight against Coronavirus”.
During a meeting of the head of government, Saaddin El Othmani, with representatives of political parties that do not have members of parliament under the Hemicycle, the secretary general of the PADS recalled that the proposal of his party is not a surprise.
Ali Boutouala mentioned that in the past, the celebration of Eid Al-Adha has been cancelled due to war or persistent droughts.
As a historical reminder, three similar decisions were taken by the late King Hassan II, namely in 1963, the year of the “war of the sands”, and during the droughts of 1981 and 1996.
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