What could be more stressful than getting sick while traveling and needing to see a doctor who speaks your language?
Finding a clinic location can be a challenge, doctors are not expected to speak your language and communication problems are so common that you may even receive the wrong treatment. Then what about those bills from the hospital or clinic?
The Israeli Startup “Air Doctor” aims to reduce stress by putting travelers in touch with local doctors. Although worldwide travel bans and social distancing have kept people largely at home, the company has continued to provide its essential services throughout the recent global health crisis.
Air Doctor is a platform that guides travelers to access appropriate doctors abroad in terms of language, location, medical specialty and advice.
Air Doctor initiated a tele-medicine service in December 2019 that allows travelers to virtually meet doctors who speak their native language. According to Yuval Zimerman, Air Doctor’s Vice President of Marketing and Global Partnerships, it has seen a 150% increase in the use of its virtual network in the last two months as the Coronavirus pandemic continued to spread around the world.
“In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, tele-medicine has expanded and overcame previous obstacles on both the doctors’ and patients’ sides,” Zimerman told NoCamels.
Zimerman states that the company has a “multilingual base of doctors who speak most of the world’s popular languages and, in addition, can provide prescriptions on a global scale.
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