Think of a restaurant that is full to capacity every lunchtime. Think of a very popular place with a very loyal customers. You probably know more than one… And Think, again, that these places find themselves obliged to close for an indefinite period of time suddenly.
Today, restaurant owners are at their limit, to the point of wanting to break their dishes. According to the HCP, this sector has reduced its workforce by 26% since the beginning of the pandemic. The National Federation of Restaurateurs (FNR) has also launched a distress call, in a letter addressed to the Ministry of Tourism.
In addition to the fact that it is practically impossible to maintain jobs for a very large number of restaurants, it is becoming crucial to come up with a strategic plan to not only revive, but urgently save this entire sector. The issue of taxes is obviously at the heart of the FNR’s concerns. Will restaurant owners be exempted from certain tax obligations? If so, which ones, to what extent and for how long?
It is worth recalling that the Economic Intelligence Committee has postponed tax declarations and taxes until 30 June for the most fragile companies. However, this little help is hardly a solution for the restaurant owners’ financial situation, which has been in difficulty, not to say completely gone dry, since the introduction of confinement.
Will they be able to get back on their feet once the state of health emergency is lifted? And with what level of quality or services? These are two burning questions.
In Europe, only restaurants that deliver and those with a terrace are in the process of reopening in the coming days, while at the same time strictly complying with the rules of health hygiene and social distancing. In Morocco, restaurants will have to be encouraged to restart their activity. Allowing all these people to resume their normal activities would already be a first step.
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