The confinement imposed on citizens around the world has not prevented Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto from communicating with his followers, be it through social networks where his accounts are followed by hundreds of thousands of fans, such as Instagram or Facebook, or through certain applications such as “Telegram”, through which he receives many questions and answers them in great detail.
Question of the day:
Date: 24.03.2020
Topic: Pesach Hagadah , Seder
When is the best time to address our private prayers to HM at the Passover Seder?
Answer of the RAV : We must address our prayers in the Seder at a time: when we say: vanitsaak el HM vaichmaa kolenou (we call out to HM). At that moment there are great secrets and great help from HM and great strength if we address our prayers at that moment.
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