The international producer RedOne is directing the Great Arabic Operetta Entitled “Nothing is impossible”
A group of stars take part in this work, including Saad Lamjarad, Ahlam, Assala, Najwa Karam, Mohamed Assaf, Hatem Ammour, Saber Rebaï, Asmaa Lamnawar, Yara, Carmen Souleiman, Assi Al Halani, Belqis, Melhem Zein, Noamane Balayachi, Fayez Al Saeed, Nabil Shuail, among other stars of the Arab world.
The international composer and producer RedOne supervises this operetta, which he composes and distributes himself. He said the preparation of this work took about two weeks.
Regarding his appointment to manage the Operetta, he said: “I received a call from the organizers of the event, the ‘Creators of Hope’, who asked me to submit an idea to inspire the next generation. I liked the idea because I like to help others through my music. So I decided to come up with something that touches people’s feelings to give them hope. My proposal was simple and it was appreciated.
He said the choice of melody only took him half an hour to think about, saying that the melody is “made of a mixture of many musical styles. Indeed, I mixed music from the Arab world with strong international music. I’m sure people will like the song. “As for the lyrics, they are written by the Moroccan poet Mohamed Al Mardi.
This song is now available on YouTube and on the “Anghami” application. It will soon be available on other music distribution platforms.
It should be noted that “Hope Makers” is an initiative launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed ben Rached Al Maktoum, Vice-President of the United Arab Emirates. Its main ambition is to highlight the glimmers of hope in the Arab world, as manifested through the action of men and women of all ages who have worked with dedication to serve their societies and their homelands.
Appreciating the humanitarian and charitable efforts made, the initiative will pay tribute to these actors by supporting them financially and morally and highlighting their effective and energetic roles within their societies so that they can continue their actions, thus contributing to building a thriving and developed society in various fields such as health, education, youth work, volunteerism and new media.
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