On Tuesday, the Moroccan authorities arrested the Islamic preacher, Sheikh Abou Naïm, because of a video he posted on social networks in which he accused the Moroccan state of apostasy following the closure of mosques as part of preventive measures to combat the Coronavirus.
The National Judicial Police Brigade has opened a judicial investigation under the supervision of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Rabat Court of Appeal, which is responsible for terrorism and extremism issues, in order to determine the criminal acts of which the Sheikh is suspected. These include alleged involvement in incitement to hatred and threats to commit acts that seriously undermine public order, according to a statement disseminated to the media and social networks.
The Sheikh was taken into police custody in order to clarify the reasons and basis for the publication of the video, which includes an explicit accusation of apostasy against the Moroccan State and its institutions.
Abou Naïm had appeared in a video posted on social networks where he made statements that included clear incitement to violence and hatred and included elements of criminal acts that involve a serious violation of public order, in addition to mocking and undermining public efforts to combat the Corona epidemic, according to the same press release.
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