Moroccans without a Schengen visa are no longer allowed to enter the occupied city of Sebta, the Spanish authorities have decided to impose a ban, which took effect on Monday February 17th .
Of course, this measure does not affect our compatriots with valid passports with Schengen visas who want to visit the city or who are passing through to board a ferry to Tarifa, Algeciras or another Spanish port.
According to a human rights source, northern Moroccans, who are used to accessing the city daily through the border crossing, “were greatly surprised by the Sebta local government’s measure, without the government taking the trouble to explain the reason for it,” nor has the date of the reopening of the Bab Sebta border crossing, which will allow northern Moroccans to regain access to the occupied city, been announced.
The date of the reopening of the Bab Sebta border crossing, which will allow northern Moroccans to regain access to the occupied city, has not been announced either, leaving those carrying smuggled goods, including “mule-women”, who are now forced into technical unemployment, in doubt, while the ban could be a response “to the economic boycott imposed by Morocco on food smugglers,” according to the same source.
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