Launch of the Call for Expressions of Interest Relating to the Development of NOOR PV II Photovoltaic Solar Projects

The Ministry of Energy and the Moroccan Solar Energy Agency (Masen) have launched the Call for Expression of Interest (AMI) for the development of solar photovoltaic projects within the framework of the multi-site solar program NOOR PV II (Phase 1).

Launched by King Mohammed VI, the Noor plan continues its deployment, underlines Friday a joint statement by the two parties, noting that “in order to encourage the implementation of solar projects by private operators within the framework of Law No. 13-09, the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Environment and Masen announce the launch of the program of capacity allocation in sites qualified and pre-equipped by Masen for the development of photovoltaic projects, with a total power of about 400 MW.

This Program constitutes the first phase of Noor PV II, the same source underlines, adding that the AMI document aims in particular to provide the various private actors, wishing to develop solar projects, with a description of the program and to identify their interest in participating in the call for projects which will be launched in a second phase.

Through a competitive process, Masen will provide the various private actors with qualified and pre-equipped sites, interconnection infrastructures, access to the national grid to be granted by the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water (ONEE) for a defined capacity, as well as qualification studies (topographic, geotechnical, seismic, hydraulic, E&S…) and measured solar data relating to the sites.

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