Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forestry hosted the Board of Directors of Morocco Foodex (Autonomous Establishment for the Control and Coordination of Exports) on January 22, 2020 in Rabat.
This session, which was attended by M. Fouad Brini, president of TMSA, customs representatives, representatives of inter-professions, professionals from different export sectors and members of the board, was marked by the presentation of the project on the digitalization of the technical control system “Easy Food Export” which is the result of a successful partnership between Morocco Foodex, Tanger Med, the Customs Administration of Indirect Taxes and the the National Office of Sanitary Safety of Food Products (ONSSA) and whose launch date is scheduled for early February 2020.
It is a project eagerly awaited by exporters, which aims to simplify export formalities, improve the transparency of the technical control system and significantly reduce the time of completion of export procedures of Morocco Foodex. In this sense, the new system will allow an estimated time saving of about 7 days for the technical approval of export units, about 2.5 days for the registration of trading exporters and about 1.5 days for the process of conformity control of agricultural and maritime food products intended for export.
Board members were thus able to note the good progress of this project, which concerns all exported agricultural and maritime food products, all export regions and all exit points.
It should be noted that the external services of Morocco Foodex carry out each year about 140,000 control operations at the level of the entire national territory, covering about 450,000 lots, and take about 13,000 samples for laboratory analysis to ensure the suitability of exported agricultural and maritime food products with the legislative, regulatory and normative requirements of the destination markets. These operations concern about 1,400 export units and about 4,000 exporters.
This new system therefore represents a real opportunity to boost the growth of agricultural and maritime food exports.
The agenda of the Board of Directors meeting also covered the presentation of the situation of exports of agri-food products. These have recorded significant growth in recent years, rising from a value of about 29.3 billion DH in 2010 to 57.7 billion DH in 2018, recording a growth of 97% with a share of about 21% of Morocco’s total exports.
In terms of volume, exports of food products reached for the first time in the history of the Kingdom a volume of about 3.1 million tons during the 2018-2019 campaign, representing a growth of 9% compared to the 2017-2018 campaign and 57% compared to the 2010-2011 campaign.
The council also welcomed the implementation of the Green Corridor between the Moroccan customs administration and the Russian customs services. This project is part of the cooperation between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Federal Republic of Russia. It consists of a preliminary exchange of data by electronic means between the Moroccan customs services and the Russian customs services, aiming at accelerating customs procedures.
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