On the occasion of its fifth edition which will take place in Washington on March 29, “Morocco Day” will honor many Moroccan success stories.
Organized by the Moroccan American Network, this event will be an opportunity to discover many leaders among Moroccan women and young people residing in Morocco and the United States and to establish communication and cooperation links between them in order to create opportunities for collaboration and exchange of experiences with their counterparts in America, as Mohamed Belhajjam, head of the network and organizer of the event, said in a statement made on our website.
On this occasion, a round table will be organized around the theme of enhancing the role of Moroccan women in sustainable development, during which issues such as equality, the gender approach, the challenges of the family law, the modification of its provisions, the evaluation of certain related problems, in addition to topics such as “women and the media” will be discussed.
At the same time, debates will be opened on the current challenges facing youth in Morocco, the role expected of this social group in the new development model, as well as the major challenges facing young women leaders, limiting their role in promoting development within society. These debates will be moderated by specialists from Morocco and the United States.
This edition will also be an opportunity to present success stories whose heroes are young people and women living in Washington and its regions. It will also be an opportunity to organize field visits and training for women and young entrepreneurs with the participation of economic decision-makers and organizations interested in small businesses in Washington and its region, such as chambers of industry and commerce, micro-credit and donation institutions, and banks.
Encouraging young Moroccans residing in the United States to become involved in the U.S. entrepreneurial community and to take advantage of the experiences and programs available in this field to serve the country are the objectives of this event, which also aims to open up on the investment opportunities Morocco offers to Moroccan investors established abroad, as well as on future prospects and aspirations within the framework of Morocco’s vision and its projects, which aim to benefit from the experience of its nationals abroad, particularly in the United States of America.
After the official recognition of the “Moroccan American Network” (organizer of this event) by the mayor of Washington, March 29 has become an annual event during which Morocco is celebrated in Washington and the historical relations between Morocco and the United States are consolidated.
The previous edition of “Morocco Day” in Washington highlighted the city of Zagora, welcoming many political and economic actors of this southern city, in addition to the artist Nouaman Lahlou, who presented his song “Laghzala Zagora”.
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