Nearly 3,000 personalities, including academics, the media and civil society representatives from 155 different countries and five continents have launched the International Platform for the Defense and Support of the Moroccan Sahara.
This independent, flexible and autonomous structure aims to carry the voice of the people of the Moroccan Sahara and their vision of the development of their region and their future. Fully participating in all areas of the political, economic and social life of their country and region, the populations of the Moroccan Sahara are often confronted with campaigns of denigration and deception led by Algeria and its appendix, the “polisario”, which claims to speak on their behalf even though it does not have the slightest legitimacy.
The Platform intends to amplify and relay the narrative of the populations of the Moroccan Sahara, which Algeria and its proxies seek to silence: the narrative of a Sahara on the move, enjoying free and democratic institutions and living in security, stability and prosperity, and of a Morocco that is an actor for peace, democracy and development in its Continent and in the world.
The personalities of the Platform will make this narrative heard within civil society, the media and universities, as well as on social networks. The ultimate objective of these personalities is to shape a vision shared with their interlocutors around Morocco’s role as a safe place of peace, stability and development in its Continent and in the world, and its commitment to bringing a definitive end to the regional dispute over the Moroccan Sahara.
They will do this on the basis of factual and verifiable data. Many personalities from the four continents were able to discover for themselves the efforts that Morocco is making to promote the development of the Sahara region. They were able to hold free meetings with local elected representatives and the Presidents of the Saharan regions, and to visit the structuring development sites in the Moroccan Sahara.
The next stage will be to relay and dialogue on this alternative vision of the Moroccan Sahara region through the production of books, articles and audiovisual content throughout the world. For the Platform, it is a matter of building bridges with different audiences in order to raise awareness of the lived realities of the Saharan populations of Morocco.
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