Moroccan Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto has managed to be considered the personality of the year 2019. Indeed, in addition to his appointment as President of the Rabbinical Court of the Beth-El Synagogue in the presence of thousands of members of the Jewish community and representatives of the local authorities, he has provided much support to the community, particularly with regard to the establishment of conditions conducive to halal sacrifice (Kashrut), which is of great importance in the Jewish religion. It has also undertaken important initiatives to bring together members of the Jewish community and provide them with all the assistance they need, in addition to founding a “Yeshiva” school to teach Torah in Morocco, after having founded many such schools in many countries of the world, such as the United States of America, Canada, etc. The Government of Morocco has also taken steps to promote the teaching of the Torah in Morocco.
Rabbi Pinto has set up numerous charitable works throughout the year, some of which have been kept secret, while others have been reported in the Moroccan media, such as the distribution of thousands of blankets in many remote areas of the city of Marrakech, or the distribution of school bags, clothing and mattresses to schools in several villages in the Middle Atlas.
Rabbi Pinto also played a major role in the return of a significant number of Moroccan Jews to renew ties with their homeland, including businessmen, investors and well-known rabbis. The Moroccan Rabbi invited them to visit the grave of his grandfather Rabbi Haim Pinto in Essaouira, and he also urged them to invest in Morocco. Among them were those who had not been in Morocco there for many years. There were also those who had never been there but had heard about it from their parents or grandparents.
In spite of his illness, Rabbi Pinto never stopped traveling from one country to another to give lectures and bless his disciples and followers who consult him on various subjects. He makes a point of being present in Morocco, whenever he has the opportunity, to receive, in Casablanca, Marrakech or Essaouira, those who are in search of his knowledge and blessing.
A descendant of a family of rabbis known as miracle-workers, Rabbi Pinto has managed to attract new followers on social networks, after his personal pages on Facebook and Instagram began to experience a strong affluence especially from young people who wish to follow his publications.
Rabbi Pinto is also keen to celebrate all Jewish religious occasions in his country, Morocco, and among the members of his community, who follow his lessons by the thousands in order to benefit from his knowledge and receive his blessings.
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