These stories, written as notebook, totaling 137 pages, immerse you in the universe and imagination of children. A universe watched by Driss C. Jaydane, who has embarked on a fascinating return to his childhood.
The last lines of this notebook end up revealing the state of mind advocated by the author of the famous “Le Jour venu” (The Day Comes) (Le Seuil, 2006, then in pocket, in co-publication with Le Fennec) or even of “La faute et le festin, essais sur fond blanc”(The fault and the feast, tests on a white background), published by Le Fennec in 2016.
“(…) Yes, childhood is a nightmare, but one thing… believe me, stops my childhood, when the degrees no longer have any effect on me, then we have all grown up and it’s over”.
But why childhood, and why now? “A year and a half ago, I had insomnia one night. I started writing, but I was like in a second state. The need to write about my childhood manifested itself. And I naturally became interested in the childhood of others afterwards. Hence the book. At one time or another, we all have an appointment with our childhood, this short, decisive, extreme moment, with its formations and deformations. This is where life is at stake,” explains the writer.
Far from being an autobiographical account of his memories about the world of children, “Eclats d’enfance”(Childhood glories) is more of a nostalgia story, that of regret repressed at the end of carelessness.
This writing work allowed Driss C. Jaydane to exorcise the demons of childhoods sometimes hurt, sometimes joyful, while being fully aware that each stage of life has its codes, its language, its imagination and its memories.
It is also the moment of all fears. And Morocco today is highly exposed to it. “This fear is natural. We live in an era of change. We are definitely leaving in a traditional society, but not our traditions. New fears are taking hold, with regard to health, new technologies, the future of our children… And between the genius of sustainability that has characterized us so far and the new negativity, society is divided,” says Driss C. Jaydane.
In other words, this collection comes at the right time, if only to give us a childish courage to continue our journey.
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