Princess Lalla Mariam is one of the most prominent members of the royal family in the media, not only because she is the eldest daughter of the late HM King Hassan II and has been interested in social issues from an early age, but also because she holds many official positions and heads many associations and foundations. She is President of the Moroccan Association for Support to UNICEF, President of the Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans Living Abroad and President of the Moroccan National Observatory for the Rights of the Child, as well as the social works of the Royal Armed Forces.
The princess, who occupies a special place in the hearts of Moroccans, is very interested in children’s issues, to which she has devoted a significant part of her time since the beginning of her activities in the field of social and cultural works under her father’s rule. It is for this reason, and among others, that she was appointed UNESCO Ambassador in July 2001, in recognition of her efforts to protect the rights of children.
Her Highness Lalla Mariam was born on August 26, 1962 in Rome, Italy, where the royal family spent their summer holidays.
She enjoyed a very special affection from the late HM King Hassan II. This affection was particularly evident during the celebrations of her legendary marriage to Fouad Filali, the son of Abdellatif Filali, former Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Morocco, a marriage during which His Majesty the King expressed his great joy.
The King’s love for his daughter Lalla Mariam will be reflected in his daughter Lalla Soukaïna, the closest to his heart, among his granddaughters.
Princess Lalla Mariam has always been interested in women’s rights and their emancipation. This is probably why she did not hesitate to divorce her husband and father of her children, Lalla Soukaïna and Moulay Idriss, thus breaking with the secular customs of the Alaoui dynasty.
Her relatives and those who have had the opportunity to work with Her Highness, speak of a very modest and simple woman, like the rest of her brothers, and at their head, HM King Mohammed VI. Everyone calls her “My Colonel” since she was promoted by HM King Mohammed VI to the rank of Colonel Major in recognition of her efforts in support of the social works of the Royal Armed Forces, a position she held by decision of her father, HM King Hassan II, immediately after obtaining her bachelor’s degree in 1981.
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