Anis Hajjam was born in Rabat into a family of experienced artists and musicians. He inherited the love of music from his father, Haj Mekki Hajam, before turning it into his passion that has been with him to this day. The passion which he lives for, writes about, and never stops traveling all over the world in order to understand its universes.
Despite his penchant for Western music, particularly rock, jazz and blues, Anis Hajjam is a great fan of Moroccan classical music, particularly because of his knowledge and his many friendships with great stars such as the late Si Mohamed Hayani, Abdelwahab Doukkkali and Hayat Al Idrissi. He also loves Umm Kaltoum’s songs and memorizes them by heart.
Anis Hajjam’s career began with Dar Al Berihi in the good old days, before joining 2M from the very beginning and becoming part of a young generation of animators thanks to whom Moroccans will live memorable periods through quality artistic programs that everyone was eagerly awaiting in order to discover new songs, clips from the world, at a time when the Internet or YouTube did not yet exist.
Anis Hajjam has worked with great artists and learned a lot from them. Thanks to his training, research and curiosity, he has been able to build up an extensive musical and artistic culture, whether in the fields of singing, theater, film or even the visual arts.
For years, Anis Hajjam was a member of the jury of the “Studio 2M” program, which aimed to discover young singing talents, before leaving the channel to start a radio experience on Radio 2M, during which he presented his successful music program “Feeling”, before leaving the radio as part of the voluntary departure program and devoting himself to journalistic writing on many platforms, the most recent of which is the weekly magazine Tel Quel.
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